LinkyCat 1.21

Task: make shareware.

LinkyCat is a powerful universal bookmark manager. LinkyCat allows you to work with bookmarks no matter what browsers are installed on your computer.

LinkyCat Box

LinkyCat Main WindowMain window.

All information about a bookmark is visually presented on virtual cards. A click on the link will open the bookmark in your browser. You will be able to read your comment at once and easily remember the purpose of the bookmark. The card is highlighted in green if the site was updated since your last visit.

LinkyCat link

National Geographics Online.

For each bookmark you can change icon, description, login and password for HTTP-authentication.

LinkyCat Bookmark's options

Bookmark’s properties.


Tools: С++, NSIS.

Technologies: GDI, COM, STL, Mozilla extensions, XUL, NSIS.

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